East Grampian Coastal Partnership Home Page


About the TTPT and Aberdeen City Marine Litter Projects

Click Here for information about our Aberdeen City Litter Project

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The Coast between Fraserburgh and East Haven in Angus is simply stunning. However, it is not immune from the blight of Marine Litter.  

To help tackle this in December 2017 EGCP Ltd. started work on the Turning the Plastic Tide Project.

In August 2018, our Beach Litter Officer started in post. 

Their role is to:-
  • Promote and co-ordinate community Beach Cleans
  • Train volunteer beach clean organisers in the safe and effective delivery of beach cleans
  • Develop a sustainable network of trained volunteers to run beach cleans in the coming years
  • Organise the logistics for beach clean events including equipment and disposal containers
  • Develop a network of beach clean kits that can be used by volunteer groups
  • Attend harbour days, events and community meetings, promoting marine litter issues
  • Run a social media campaign to recruit participants and discourage littering
  • Work with regulators such as SEPA and Scottish Water to educate the public about what can and cannot be put down the sewage system
  • Highlight and support solutions for specific issues such as disposable BBQs and micro plastics
  • Work with KIMO on the issue of fishing litter
By creating a network of trained and well-equipped volunteers this project will continue to have a major impact on the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire coastline into the future.

This project will include a large number of volunteers and organisations including The Marine Conservation Society, KIMO, Marine Scotland, Aberdeenshire Council, Port Authorities, Fishing Bodies, Conservation Groups, businesses, Community Councils and schools.

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